Sunday, June 12, 2011

My black metal moods... Fen

Before becoming familiar with Alghazanth, I ran into a black metal/shoegaze band in the same month, which I liked instantly. It defined itself by using other sounds in their music, unlike the 'true' black metal bands. I reviewed this for a Dutch black metal blog I was on at that time, and Fen left an impression on me that still lasts to this very day.

An expression of loss and melancholic yearning, the primary goal with Fen is to draw the listener into a windswept and desolate landscape, bereft of hope.

The Fen sound is very diverse, sometimes it reminds me of Enslaved in a way. The very quote I found on says it all:

"When Fen’s previous album, The Malediction Fields, came out the band were heralded as “a UK rival to the throne of bands like Enslaved and Primordial”. With Epoch Fen have certainly lived up to that high praise and delivered on the promise shown by their previous release. It’s out next February and will surely feature in several top 2o lists at the end of 2011."

I've listened to various albums of Fen and I must say their style varies with each album, with each song. Even their split with De Arma is really worth checking out. Certainly a recommended band in my opinion!

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