Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Universe in a ball !!!

My metalheadness doesn't only evolve around metal in it's darkest, bleakest form, even though I can entertain myself very well with black metal or death metal... Even though people are sometimes inclined to think it is.

Whenever I feel like listening to nutty, fun music which makes me smile, and is not dark / black metal by any means whatsoever, I play any random album of this artist.

He is literally the craziest singer in the world, in a good way that is... I've seen him live in all his madness on March 16th 2011... Never in my life have I seen an artist perform with such drive, enthusiasm and passion for music as with Devin Townsend.

When I first got introduced to Devin Townsend's madness I started with the album Addicted! which I loved right away. Favorites are the title track, Universe in a ball!, Bend it like Bender!, Supercrush! and Hyperdrive!. The rest of the album is also really good but these songs really stand out in my opinion.

Then ....
Then I got familiar with this green little devil ... Ziltoid The Omniscient. This album is really a musical, unique in it's sort, telling about Ziltoid who sets out to destroy Earth after not getting the cup of coffee he wanted. Hilarious lyrics, storyline and of course Devin as Ziltoid make the craziness complete. Just listen to this album once, you'll be impressed. From what I read there will be a sequel to this Ziltoid story, I'm looking forward to it.

Recently the new Deconstruction album leaked on Youtube and I had a chance to hear it. This album yet again shows us just how crazy and goofy Devin Townsend is, with songs that have a little like 'The Mighty Masturbator' it's kinda hard to not think that. The album really sounded awesome and I can't wait for the official release.

Aside of Deconstruction there's another album, coming out simultaneously, called Ghost. I don't know if this image here is the real cover but it looks cool nonetheless.

Devin Townsend gave me a new insight to metal, that it can be fun and entertaining. I know he was in the band Strapping Young Lad before. I still have to check that out sometime. For now I'll just play some DT again...


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